International Service
International Service

International Service Committee focuses on the clubs service that involves clubs and districts in other countries. The Rotary Club of Geelong East has been involved in projects in Papua New Guinea, Tanzania, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Tonga, India, Zambia, Angola, Zimbabwe Philippines, Cambodia and through the Shelter Box program, numerous other countries.
The clubs international activities are different each year. The focus will depend on needs identified and project partners.
While some of the International activities are done in conjunction with The Rotary Foundation, not all are. One key activity that Geelong East takes a regular part in, is Donations in Kind. A number of members are regularly out at the DIK venue sorting desks, computers, shelving, bedding, books, bikes and other assorted items, to be shipped to overseas countries that have requested such items. To honor two deceased members, the club holds an annual "Leon Mott & John Haywood" Memorial Day. All members are encouraged to take part in DIK activities on that day.
Through the International Service Committee, the club has supported both Shelter Box and Disaster Aid Australia in the provision of safe shelter, drinking water, clothing and utensils in disaster situations such as the Pakistan Floods, Victorian Bushfires and New Zealand earth quake.
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