Rotary was originally a 'Men's Only' club. In 1989, Rotary International at its Council on Legislation, voted to admit women to the organisation. It was not simply that men suddenly felt happy to admit women, but that the United States Supreme Court ruled that Rotary International could not revoke a clubs Charter if they chose to admit women as members.
Since that time, women have made an amazing difference to Rotary clubs all over the world. Their contribution has been enormous and something that clubs are proud of. In the Rotary year 2022-2023 the organisation had its first female International President, Jennifer Jones, (Canada). In the Rotary year 2024-2025, the second female International President will take office, Stephanie Urchick (UA).
Rotary recognises the great contribution that women and men make to the organisation.
Rotary - Celebrating International Women's Day