Be Kind to Yourself & Others

Rotary Geelong East members & friends wish you a safe and happy Christmas and New Year.
Stay safe and be mindful of others
Rotary Geelong East cares for all people
Be Kind to Yourself & Others 2024-12-22 13:00:00Z 0

Guardians of the Garden at Newcomb Primary


On Friday, 29 November, Geelong East Rotary was invited to provide a BBQ at the launch of Guardians of the Garden at Newcomb Primary School. Happily, celebrations were held in beautiful sunshine.
Guardians of the Garden was devised by Lucy Jones, Education Support Officer at Newcomb Primary School, supported by her colleagues from the Bluebird Foundation and, most importantly, the students. Over the course of the project, students learned about indigenous plants and helped to create a garden in an unused area of the school grounds. They also had the opportunity to draw their favourite indigenous bird or animal, renditions of which were chosen to appear on top of six huge wooden totem poles, the so-called Guardians, devised and carved by sculptor Viktor.
Families were invited to adopt a particular totem and care for the surrounding garden ‛protected’ by that guardian, thereby assisting with the longer-term maintenance of the garden.
The Rotarians who provided the BBQ, free to the children and their families, were delighted to support Newcomb Primary School and the Bluebird Foundation and look forward to fostering closer relationships with these worthy organisations.
Rotary Geelong East - Working with Newcomb Primary School & Bluebird Foundation to Make School Enjoyable
Guardians of the Garden at Newcomb Primary  2024-12-13 13:00:00Z 0

Say No to Violence

Rotary world-wide works to raise awareness and provide support to organisations that work in the area of Domestic Violence in particular.  Awareness is raised through marches, articles, news stories and presentations. Support comes in different forms from different clubs
Some provide financial support to professional organisations already working in the field. One example of that is the funding of a program run by Meli that focuses on helping men to change their behaviours in Domestic Violence situations (Rotary Geelong East has done that this year). Other support includes providing 'Escape Resources' for women and children fleaing Domestic Violence.
The issue of Domestic Violence has become well known in recent years. However there is always more to be done in ridding the world of this violence. Street violence has become a major issue for police and governments in recent years.
There are many organisations working in this space and they need support. If you have an idea that could help reduce the incidence of violence in any of its forms, talk to Rotary or the professionals working in the area.
Rotary Geelong East - Working with others to help eliminate Violence
Say No to Violence 2024-11-16 13:00:00Z 0

Lest We Forget

Together with other men and women from countries all around the world, many Rotarians have fought in wars to preserve peace and bring harmony between nations.
Current Rotarians thank all those who have served their nations during such trying and challenging times. While many returned, we know only too well, that many did not. They gave their lives so that we may live in a peaceful society. We owe it to them to ensure that we keep working toward that society. That is why one of Rotary's key Areas of Focus is peace.
Peace begins with us.
Lest We Forget 2024-11-04 13:00:00Z 0

World Polio Day

Since Rotary's first foray into eradicating Polio, the number of cases has fallen worldwide by 99.9%. This is an amazing feat given that there was an average of 350,000 cases annually. The only two endemic countries left are Pakistan and Afghanistan. There are occassional outbreaks elsewhere but these are derived from the vaccine.
While that may scare some, the vaccine derived Polio is extremely low and is far outweighed by the live saved and the disabilities that come from Polio for many survivors.
We can all help in the battle to rid the world of this insidious disease by ensuring that there is enough funding to continue the campaign of eradication. Today, Rotary is joined by the World Health Organisation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Centers for Disease Control and UNICEF in this fight - and it is a fight.
Anyone can help by donating to their local Rotary Club with the funds to be designated to PolioPlus. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation match the funds raised by and through Rotary in a 2:1 grant.
Let's set out to achieve what Rotary and its partners have been working toward since the late 1980's - to provide a 'Gift to the Children of the World" - a world free of Polio.
World Polio Day 2024-10-20 13:00:00Z 0

Rotary Celebrates International Peace Day

Rotary has 7 Areas of Focus. One of those areas is Peace. In reality, everything Rotary does is about Peace.
From raising awareness of Domestic Violence and developing programs with others to address the issue, sourcing water for drinking and hygiene to developing young leaders through Youth Exchange, Rotary Youth Leadership Awards and training future Peace Builders. Rotary has a hand in all of these and many more activities that help to bring about a more peaceful world.
As a Partner of the United Nations, Rotary celebrates International Peace Day with other organisations and individuals around the world. 2024 marks the 25th anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption of the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace. It is celebrated this year on Saturday 21st September. The theme for this year fits with the declaration - "Cultivating a Culture of Peace".
Peace is not something you can wish for - it is an action - actions we take everyday can demonstrate our commitment to a Culture of Peace or they can demonstrate the opposite. Each and every one of us human beings, has to work at Peace. We know that is won't 'just happen'.
The challenge is for us to determine that we want a peaceful world for ourselves and future generations. That journey must start today.
Rotary working to create a Peaceful World for All
Rotary Celebrates International Peace Day 2024-09-17 14:00:00Z 0

Story Dogs Book Covering Workshop

Geelong East Rotary is a proud supporter of the Story Dogs program and provides funding for dogs and their owners to attend Newcomb Primary School and Tate Street Primary School each week during the school year. The accepting, loving nature of dogs gives this reading program its magic. Reading to a friendly, calm dog in a non-judgmental environment helps children relax, open up, have fun while reading and become confident readers in the future.
On 28 July 2024 I participated in a Story Dogs book covering workshop at the South Barwon Community Centre, along with other Rotarians. It was a great example of Rotary in action as most of the 250 children’s books to be cleaned and covered had been donated to Story Dogs by Geelong West Rotary just prior to their giant book sale.
There were four workstations – cleaning, adding labels, cutting and covering. For many Rotarians it had been decades since they had wrestled with Contact to cover their children’s schoolbooks. There is a real art to producing a perfectly smooth finish.
The following Clubs were represented:
Geelong East – Jenny Acopian
Bayside Geelong – Telsa
Highton – Pam
Kardinia – Keith & Heather Fagg, Leonie, Debbie, Min, Graham Hobbs
Story Dogs Volunteers: Bri, Sheryle, Leanne. Karen & Vanessa were also on hand.
We encourage other Rotarians to get involved with the program – and there will be other opportunities as over 600 books are required by the program each year in the Geelong region alone.
Story Dogs Book Covering Workshop 2024-09-09 14:00:00Z 0

The Gordon Scholarship Evening 2024

For many years Geelong East Rotary has provided $1,000 for a scholarship awarded to a full-time student enrolled at The Gordon.
On Wednesday 28 August 2024, Rotarians Alison Marshall and Jenny Acopian attended The Gordon Scholarship Evening on behalf of Geelong East Rotary. The event was held in The Captain’s Room at GMHBA Stadium and attracted a wide range of donors including charitable foundations, community organisations, local and national businesses and individuals.
This year our recipient was Cameron Synan, a 17-year-old young lady who is studying her VCE full time at The Gordon. She lives with her older sister Riley who is about to complete her Paramedic studies at Victoria University.  Cameron describes her sister as her rock and her role model. Cameron was too shy to come on stage and instead her certificate was handed to her teacher but then she relaxed and was happy to have her photograph taken. We wish Cameron all the best in her studies and her plans to become a nurse in the longer term.
Last year’s recipient, Chantelle Mc Roberts, is doing very well in her Diploma of Nursing studies and hopes to become a full-time student at Deakin University next year.
The Gordon Scholarship Evening 2024  2024-09-09 14:00:00Z 0

Pitch Up Geelong - Give Where You Live

Rotarians from Geelong East joined in the conversations and, more importantly, provided funding to the three organsiations to continue to do the great work they are doing in the community.
The event was well attended with more than 100 present, who heard presentations from 3 Organisations which provide services to the Greater Geelong area.
The Organisations making Pitches were Thread Together, The Outpost and Feed Me, Bellarine, Geelong and Surfcoast.
Thread Together is a statewide service which doesn't have an office in Geelong but does serve the Geelong Community. The Organisation receives end-of-line clothing which would otherwise go to landfill, which it then provides to service organisations to provide new clothing to people in need in the community.
The Outpost, located in Geelong provides material assistance to those in need in the community, particularly food by way of hot and cold meals at both luch and dinner times, but also clothing and hygiene products for those living in extremely poor circumstances.
Feed Me Bellarine, Geelong and Surf Coast tackles food waste by receiving food which would otherwise go to waste and feeding those in need with centres in Ocean Grove, Torquay and St Albans Park, where it provides meals in a variety of ways.
In all, after the presentations a total of over $100,000 was pledged by those present with each Organisation receiving over $30,000. Geelong East Rotary represented by Jenny Acopian, Jane Bolton and Julian White, contributed $2,100 with $700 pledged for each Organisation.
Pitch Up Geelong - Give Where You Live 2024-09-09 14:00:00Z 0

Cancer Cushions

A number of members of Rotary Geelong East have had one form of cancer or another. When the partner of a member was treated for Breast Cancer which included a Mastectomy she was given a 'Cancer Cushion' while at St. John of God Hospital, Geelong.
The Breast Care nurse, Barb Cummings mentioned that the two women who had made the cushions for 20 years or so, were getting ready to stop making them after all that time.
Rotarian mentioned this to members of two clubs, Rotary Bayside Geelong and Rotary Geelong East. As a result, a number of members have taken up the challenge and are producing up to 20 Cancer Cushions a month to the hospital.
The cushions ease pain from Mastectomies and the removal of lymph nodes in both women and men. As a result, they are gratefully received.
Rotarian Liz Sykes (Rotary Geelong East) has made close to 150 cushions. Other Geelong East members involved in the project are Janine Koch and Sue Dunlop are also working on making the cushions. In addition, Telsa Stubna (Rotary Bayside Geelong) who runs a 'Days for Girls' group, making washable and reusable period pads for girls overseas, has also had her group working on making some cushions as well.
Rotary helping Cancer Survivors in different ways!
Cancer Cushions 2024-09-03 14:00:00Z 0

Walk Against Waste in Bali

Two members of Rotary Geelong East have just carried out their second Walk Against Waste in Bali. Jenny (pictured) and Alison (photographer) have spent some of their holiday time collecting and sorting waste. Pictured is a small sample of their collection during this trip.
The Walk Against Waste is a regular activity of Rotary Geelong East in various parts of Geelong. While Jenny and Alison were cleaning up Bali, members in Geelong were cleaning up near Balyang Sanctuary and the Geelong Rail Trail. If this appeals to you, come and join us. To find out where we will be next, check our Facebook page

You would be most welcome.
Following the work (between one hour and one and a half hours), we go for coffee and build friendships.
Rotary - Working to keep our world clean
Walk Against Waste in Bali 2024-08-07 14:00:00Z 0
Time to consider joining Rotary 2024-08-07 14:00:00Z 0

July Theme - Maternal & Child Health

Each month, Rotary features a different theme. Seven are based on the Seven Areas of Focus of Rotary and the remainder carry different messages, some for external readers and some for club members.
Maternal & Child Health is one of the Seven Areas of Focus. Rotary sees that a healthy woman is likely to raise a healthy child. It also recognises that women have a significant impact on the way in which a child develops.
To this extent, clubs develop or support programs that focus on women's health and childhood development.
Rotary Geelong East - Supporting Women's health and Child Development Projects
July Theme - Maternal & Child Health 2024-07-01 14:00:00Z 0
The passing of Bill Pratt OAM 2024-06-10 14:00:00Z 0

Community Care Chemist & Rotary Geelong East Blister Pack Recycling

Rotary Geelong East has supported Community Care Chemists Newcomb store to cover the cost of one more series of Blister Pack recycling boxes.  As a result, of Rotary Geelong East’s support, all Community Care Chemists are now involved in the scheme.
Part of the arrangement was that the club, the pharmacy group and Pharmacycle would all apply pressure to drug manufacturers to support the scheme for the long term.
Chairman Environment & Sustainability Interest Group, Warren Norton & Service Director, Janine Koch joined with the CEO of Community Care Chemists to launch this second round of the recycling of blister packs.
Rotary Geelong East - Working with others to save the environment
Community Care Chemist & Rotary Geelong East Blister Pack Recycling 2024-06-07 14:00:00Z 0

Volunteer Week and Rotary

Volunteer Week is celebrated in Australia in the week commencing 20th May and 26th May.
Huge numbers of people volunteer in all sorts of areas from Carers looking after those who cannot look after themselves, those who take care of the environment cleaning it up, planting trees, removing invasive weeds, those who feed the hungry in kitchens around the country, people who care for the homeless and so many more areas of support given freely.
Every Rotarian is a volunteer. Not only do most volunteer for Rotary based activities (which could be local, national or international projects) designed to create a better world.
We know that there are many others who would like to volunteer, but cannot see a way to do so. Things that stand in their way include work and travel, time, family to care for, their own health limitations, concern about the skills they may need and many other concerns.
Rotary clubs have a great flexibility and are able to help people into the volunteering space which is so rewarding. An example of this is a project that is very important to those going through mastectomy or Thoracic surgery - to help reduce pain, Cancer Cushions are made. In different situations, small groups get together weekly, monthly and work on cutting, sewing and stuffing the cushions. Others do one part or complete cushions in their own time and at their own pace. This is extremely important and yet time-wise can be managed to suit a volunteer's needs.
If you  have a desire to volunteer, but don't know what you can offer or what commitment you can make, talk to a Rotary club and ask.
Rotary Geelong East - People Volunteering to improve our world
Volunteer Week and Rotary 2024-05-18 14:00:00Z 0 Volunteer Volunteering Helping People Youth Environment Peace Disability

Youth Month

We often hear or use the phrase "Youth are our future" and they are.
Rotary through many Youth programs aims to create a safe environment for our youth, to educate them in cultural differences and to learn to respect those differences.
Rotary Youth Exchange is one of the best known youth exchange programs in the world. Young people spend twelve months in another country and attend school, live with a local family, learn knew languages and begin to understand the difference in cultures. It is a powerful program that has changed the lives of many of our youth.
Interact is either a school or community based club for youth 14 -18 years old and provides the opportunity to learn about service and caring for others. Interactors run fundraisers, visit the elderly in nursing homes, have speakers who inform them of career opportunities and needs both within their local and the international community.
Rotaract caters for young people 18 - 30 and much like Interact they carry out projects such as feeding the homeless, maintaining gardens of elderly people still living in their own homes, travel overseas to carry out projects in underdeveloped countries and many other activities.
Rotary believes "Youth are our Future"
Youth Month 2024-05-01 14:00:00Z 0

Meli's Domestic Violence Program - ROAR

Rotary Geelong East was fortunate to have two Guest Speakers from MELI, talk about their Program (ROAR) for women who have or are subject to domestic violence. The acronym stands for “Reclaiming and Retelling Our Acts of Resistance”
Participants share and exchange stories, strengthen one another and help to build positive futures. The program was co-designed by women who had been previous clients (and had therefore first hand knowledge of domestic violence).  The contribution made by the women included not only content that should be covered, but also how the program should be run.
ROAR is designed to build women’s resistance and strengthen empowerment and creates a platform for changing future stories. It is run over eight weeks. Topics include: Sharing our hopes and our futures, Patterns of Violence, Healthy vs Unhealthy Relationships, Financial Counselling and Cyber Awareness, Children, Legal Rights, Healthy Boundaries and Changing the Story and Self Care.
The two Guest Speakers were Katie Wheeler a facilitator of the program and Celina Bagley who spoke about the benefits of the program.
Rotary says "No to Family Violence"
Meli's Domestic Violence Program - ROAR 2024-04-17 14:00:00Z 0

World Immunization Week

World Immunization Week holds a special place in the hearts of Rotarians.  While the week itself is about promoting vaccinations for all types of diseases, Rotary has a special project of immunization that has been running since the mid-eighties and is very close to eradicating a disease.
Australian Rotarian, the late Clem Renouf proposed a project of immunizing children in the Philippines agains Polio. It was considered impossible and a waste of money. Still, Queensland Rotarians picked up the project and were successful.
At the time that Renouf became the International President of Rotary, between 350,000 and 480,000 children were contracting Polio every year. Some died, some had limb deficiencies (short legs or arms), many would never walk, some lived in Iron Lungs for life and few got away from Polio with no long term effects.
The World Health Organisation joined with Rotary as did UNICEF. Later, the Centres for Disease Control, vaccine maker Gavi and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. All came together as the Global Polio Eradication Initiative to rid the world of this horrific disease.
Rotarians have individually and through their contacts with governments of the world, the United Nations and corporations have raised billions of dollars to tackle Polio and to give its eradication as a 'gift to the children of the world'.
On this day (18th April 2024), only two endemic countries exist - Pakistan and Afghanistan. Afghanistan has had one case of Wild Polio Virus and five positive environmental samples while Pakistan has reported no cases and twelve positive environmental samples. These few, down from hundreds of thousands in the mid 1980's.
The work of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative has provided much more that the eradication of Polio, as important as that is. The laboratories set up in countries that have poor medical assessment infrastructure have been and continue to be used for identification of other disease outbreaks. These include: Ebola, Covid 19, Avian Flu and Marbug virus among many others. The legacy of the Polio Eradication is ongoing and serves poorer countries well.
Rotary - End Polio Now
World Immunization Week 2024-04-17 14:00:00Z 0

A Genuine Hero

Inspector (Amy Scott) who showed great bravery in Bondi, received a Rotary Police Officer of the Year award in 2019 - she truly is a hero and saved many lives.
In 2019 Inspector Scott was recognised at the Rotary Club Police Officer of the Year award ceremony when she received the Demonstrated Courage and Devotion to Duty Award.
Australian Rotary Clubs Thank Inspector Scott for her latest heroic act that undoubtedly saved more lives
A Genuine Hero 2024-04-14 14:00:00Z 0

April - Environment Month in Rotary

Each month, Rotary carries a different theme. April is when the focus is on creating awareness about our Environment and its importance to humanity.
Rotary Geelong East will be planting more trees on National Tree Day in a few months time. This is something we have done over many years. In the last two years alone, we have planted over 1,000 trees. While this is not the only Environmental activity the members carry out, it is considered extremely important.
Other Environment and Sustainability activities we carry our include: Walk Against Waste (monthly activity collecting rubbish), Recycling batteries, plastic bottle tops, blister packs, container deposit scheme among other recycling activities.
One of the most important has been the provision of air conditioning and aids for a Sensory Room at Newcomb Primary School. This allows students with problems some 'alone space' free from interuptions and allows them to get back into the right frame of mind to go back to class and continue their education. This is an Emotional Environmental project and it has worked extremely well.
Rotary Geelong East - Environmental Warriors!
April - Environment Month in Rotary 2024-03-31 13:00:00Z 0

Clean Up Australia the Rotary Way

Three of Geelong’s Rotary clubs took part in a delayed Clean Up Australia Day activity.
Two of the clubs had commitments on the actual day set aside for Clean Up Australia campaign. They decided to join together and invite another club to take part on 19th March. The clubs involved were Rotary Bayside Geelong, Rotary Geelong East and Rotary Club of Corio Bay.
With fifteen people (including one non-Rotarian) working for one and a half hours, the clean up was conducted around the Limeburners Point at the bottom of the Eastern Park Gardens. Most of what was picked up was general rubbish, with small amounts of glass and other recyclables. Seven large bags of rubbish were collected and disposed of.
Members followed up with a coffee at Merci in the Eastern Gardens.
Rotary Geelong East conducts monthly clean ups, known as Walk Against Waste. The same process is followed and the area worked on changes regularly. Members, family and friends take part and follow up with a coffee together. Members of the general public are free to join us. If you wish to do so, please make inquiries through the Rotary Club of Geelong East Facebook page:
A few of the Rotary volunteers before setting off to clean up Limeburners Point.
Rotary – Keeping Australia Clean
Clean Up Australia the Rotary Way  2024-03-23 13:00:00Z 0 #rubbish #clean up #Rotary #Clean Up Australia #Walk Against Waste #Limburners Point #Geelong

March  - Water Sanitation & Hygiene Month

Each month, Rotary has a different focus in addition to the many projects and programs clubs all around the globe take.
March focuses on Water availability for all and suitable for drinking, Sanitation for all to prevent the spread of disease and Hygiene so that people do not inadvertently catch diseases.
Healthy people = a Healthy World.
Rotary Geelong East - Focused on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
March  - Water Sanitation & Hygiene Month  2024-03-10 13:00:00Z 0

International Women's Day

Rotary was originally a 'Men's Only' club.  In 1989, Rotary International at its Council on Legislation, voted to admit women to the organisation. It was not simply that men suddenly felt happy to admit women, but that the United States Supreme Court ruled that Rotary International could not revoke a clubs Charter if they chose to admit women as members.
Since that time, women have made an amazing difference to Rotary clubs all over the world. Their contribution has been enormous and something that clubs are proud of. In the Rotary year 2022-2023 the organisation had its first female International President, Jennifer Jones, (Canada). In the Rotary year 2024-2025, the second female International President will take office, Stephanie Urchick (UA).
Rotary recognises the great contribution that women and men make to the organisation.
Rotary - Celebrating International Women's Day
International Women's Day 2024-02-28 13:00:00Z 0

Happy Birthday Rotary

Friday 23rd February marks the 119th birthday of Rotary International. Started in Chicago on February 23rd, 1905, the organisation was formed by a small group of business people who wanted to be able to do business with people with good ethics and business practices (remember that this was when Al Capone was demanding 'Protection' money from and tax rorts were commonplace).
From one club that grew rapidly in Chicago, Rotary International now exists in over 200 countries and territories. Rotary is a non-religious and non-political organisation. As such, it is respected by governments, the United Nations  and religions of all types.
Today 1.4 million Rotarians around the world do an incredible amount of work to make the world a healthier and more peaceful place.  There are seven Areas of Focus that Rotarians work within.
Rotary Geelong East wishes all Rotarians and Rotary International a Happy 119th Birthday
Happy Birthday Rotary 2024-02-17 13:00:00Z 0 #Rotary #International #Peace #Education #Environment #Youth #Community #Projects # Polio

Together we can Promote Peace

At times like this, it can seem as though the world will never have peace.
Rotary, it's clubs and members do not buy into that belief. Everything that Rotarians do within their communities, nationally and internationally has an end objective of bringing about more peace.
If we as individuals are at peace with ourselves, we can be at peace with our families and friends. It we are at peace with each other, we can build peace within our communities and if we can do that, we can build peace within our nation. Then, we work on the world.
Peace starts with each of us, you included.
Rotary Geelong East - Building Peace in our Community
Together we can Promote Peace 2024-02-10 13:00:00Z 0

Peace Fellowship Applications Now Open

Rotary is an organisation strongly focused on Peace. Every year, scholarships are offered on a competitive basis to people who meet specific criteria. The study is done at one of seven universities in different parts of the world. The whole course is made up of people there for the same reason - they want to learn about Peace & Conflict Prevention.
There are two types of Fellowship. The first is a two year Masters degree and the second, a one year Post Graduate diploma.
Are you the right person for this type of study? One way to find out is to go to the link below and check if you meet the criteria and learn about the 1,700 others who have done the courses.
Rotary Geelong East - Working with others toward a Peaceful World
Peace Fellowship Applications Now Open 2024-02-01 13:00:00Z 0
A Wise Man Once Said 2024-01-14 13:00:00Z 0

Time to consider joining Rotary

There comes a time in most people's lives when they want to give back and help improve their communities, locally, nationally or internationally. With over 1.4 million members in over 200 countries and territories, Rotary provides that opportunity.
Whether your interest is in addressing Mental Health, the Environment, Basic Education &Literacy, Women & Children's health, Disease Prevention &Treatment, Water, Sanitation & Hygiene, Community Economic Development or working toward a more Peaceful World, Rotary can provide opportunities for you.
Consider what you have to offer as an individual (skills and knowledge) and what a difference you could make. Then consider the support you could gain from joining with others in our community and then, consider the impact you and others could have in different countries with different needs to ours.
It is pretty simple really - the difference Rotary has is it's members and you could be one of them.
Rotary - Changing the World for the Better
Be a part of it!
Time to consider joining Rotary 2024-01-07 13:00:00Z 0

Say NO to Domestic Violence

On Saturday 25th November Rotarians across Geelong and District combined with ZONTA Home | Zonta Club Geelong ( and undertook an awareness walk finishing in Johnstones Park.  Although numbers were small, ZONTA was very happy with the turnout – building on previous years annual awareness walk numbers and community coverage. 
During the 16 Days of Activism (25 November – 10th Dec) 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence 2023 (  activities and awareness campaigns are happening across the world.
In Geelong local Rotary Clubs have contributed to the awareness walk, purchased Rotary themed t-shirts, and will be assisting with a Lived Experience Art Exhibition at Deakin University Project Space at waterfront campus – launched Wednesday 29th November – through to end January 2024 (further details will be provided).
Many Clubs have also raised funds, donated goods or had local guest speakers along to their clubs. 
Rotary Geelong East is providing a grant of $1500 to a Women’s Lived Experience program operated at Meli (previously Bethany Community Support) to enable them to continue their programming and support of women in 2024.  We are also working closely with Barwon Area Integrated Family Violence Committee  Barwon Area Integrated Family Violence ( on Family Violence training for Rotarians and community members, planning promotional material for our region and also understanding the current services and supports available in our Geelong region for Women and Children experiencing Family Violence. 
Rotary - Working with others to rid the World of Violence
Say NO to Domestic Violence 2023-11-27 13:00:00Z 0
Something to Think About 2023-11-24 13:00:00Z 0

ShelterBox Recognition

Rotary Geelong East has supported ShelterBox, a partner of Rotary International.
ShelterBox, as the name suggests provides shelter (10 person tents), utensils, water purification tools and other basic necessities for people in disaster situations from civil war, earthquakes, floods and the like. The various needs vary from situation to situation. Heavy blankets would not be sent to a country with hot temperatures.
Rotary clubs throughout Australia have provide over 400,000 ShelterBoxes
Rotary Geelong East has just been presented with a Bronze Champion recognition for it's ongoing support. Non-Rotarians can contribute to simply by contacting a local Rotary club.
ShelterBox Recognition 2023-11-18 13:00:00Z 0


At Newcomb Primary School this year, Geelong East Rotary sponsored the Story Dog program that is designed to assist reluctant readers to become confident, enjoy reading and improve their literacy skills.
Koby and his master Graeme visited the school weekly and spent one-on-one time listening to stories read by selected students.
The Principal of Newcomb Primary School, Rachael Buck, reports that the reading data for all four students has improved. In the Principal’s own words, Graeme and Koby are the absolute best!!!!
The students said:
Liam: I love when Koby and Graeme come and we read together. My favourite book has been Dog get Lost. I think Koby likes dog books.
Nikita: I like reading with Koby and Graeme and I think my reading has improved because I have been reading more.
Scarlett: My favourite thing is reading with Koby and Graeme and seeing them when they get here in the morning. Graeme always brings good new books to read like Pig the Pug.
Leslie: My favourite thing is picking out a new book to read and spending time with Koby.
Obviously, Story Dogs has achieved its aim at Newcomb Primary School.
Rotary, Graeme & Koby working to improve literacy!

Rotary Works toward Peace

Everything that Rotary clubs do, has one objective in mind - Peace.
Projects of Community Building, Healthcare for Mothers & Children, Literacy, Environmental work and many other seemingly unrelated projects all lead to more peaceful communities and consequently, a more peaceful world.
Rotary has partnerships with the Institute of Economics & Peace, with thousands of Rotarians and Rotaractors undertaking Peace studies.  Since 2000, Rotary has trained over 1600 Peace Scholars in Peace & Conflict Prevention at seven universities around the world and joined forces with the Peace Corp to promote peace through joint activities.
Rotary - Working toward a Peaceful World for all
Rotary Works toward Peace 2023-11-13 13:00:00Z 0

We Will Remember Them

Among those who fought and died and those who fought and lived very different lives, were many Rotarians. Rotary as an organisation has a very strong focus on Peace, so that no one has to fight and die, be incapacitated or mentally scared in future. To this end, we have trained over 1,600 Peace Scholars in Peace & Conflict Prevention. These people now work in many organisations from the UN, governments and NGO's to bring about peace in all parts of the world.
We will always remember those who fought for our future.
We Will Remember Them 2023-11-08 13:00:00Z 0

Say NO to Violence

Rotary clubs throughout District 9780 are taking part in the "Say No to Violence" campaign. Clubs all around Australia are also involved and each club or group of clubs have their own approach to how they are doing it.
In District 9780, clubs are taking part in the "16 Days of Activism" to raise attention to the issue and to determine what actions are required to reduce (preferably eliminate) Domestic Violence in all it's different forms.
Say NO to Violence 2023-11-05 13:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation Does it 15 Years Straight

The Rotary Foundation, Rotary International's charity, has been recognised for 15 consecutive years by Charity Navigator as the top charity for it's management of funds and it's low cost structure.
The Rotary Foundation disperses grants to Rotary Districts, Natural Disasters, Major Projects, Training of Peace Scholars and manages the funds required for the End Polio Now campaign.
Projects range across the Rotary Areas of Focus which are: Peace Building & Conflict Prevention, Disease Prevention & Treatment, Water, Sanitation & Hygiene, Maternal & Child Health, Basic Education & Literacy, Community Economic Development and Environment.
Rotarians are very proud of their Foundation and in particular, it's recognition as a trustworthy charity.
Rotary Foundation Does it 15 Years Straight 2023-11-02 13:00:00Z 0
World Polio Day - 24th October 2023-10-21 13:00:00Z 0
RI President's Message - Eradication of Polio 2023-10-13 13:00:00Z 0

October - Mental Health Month

This month, we recognise the issues and concerns that many people have with mental heals. We also recognise those who work with them to help them improve their lives.  Rotary the leading community organisation world wide, uses October to raise awareness and educate people about mental health, the issues people face and how we who are fortunate enough not to suffer, can recognise and help.
In Australia, The Rotary Health Foundation runs a promotional program, "Lift the Lid". The idea is to expose people to mental health as an issue to be dealt with in medical way and the foundation funds research into mental health.
October - Mental Health Month 2023-10-12 13:00:00Z 0 Mental Health Rotary RHF

Time to End Polio - Forever

When Rotary first began to work toward the eradication of Polio, in a promise to the children of the world, there were on average over 350,000 cases of polio a year. Some recovered, many were permanently crippled and others died of this terrible disease.
Today (12/10/2023) there are only 7 cases in the world, one in Afghanistan and six in Pakistan.  Now we have the chance to rid the world of this disease and allow future children to live life without having to worry about catching it.  However, even when the two remaining countries have no more cases, the vaccinations still have to go on for three years before the countries can be declared Polio Free.
In Rotary, we have a saying that scares people (and it is meant to): "Polio is just a plane ride away".
Together, let's stop Polio - Now!
Time to End Polio - Forever 2023-10-11 13:00:00Z 0

2023 Indigenous Scholar

Geelong East Rotary has been a passionate supporter of the Indigenous Health Scholarship program
of Australian Rotary Health (ARH). A donation of $2,500 by RCGE is matched 1:1 by the Federal
Government, resulting in an Indigenous student receiving $5,000 to support their university studies.
This year, ARH selected Jasmine John as our 2023 Indigenous Health Scholar. Jasmine recently provided a
report of her first semester at La Trobe in which she discussed the challenges she faced and the personal and
professional growth she has gained.
Jasmine is originally from Broome, Western Australia and relocated to Melbourne at the beginning of 2023
to commence her studies at La Trobe University. She previously completed two years of university studies
in Physiotherapy, during which time she participated in tutoring Indigenous youth through the
Graham Polly Farmer Foundation. This kept her connected to her community and taught her a
lot about herself. She also decided to change her focus to Occupation Therapy as it provides a greater
range of opportunities to work in Indigenous communities.
2023 Indigenous Scholar 2023-09-16 14:00:00Z 0

September Walk against Waste

Another Walk Against Waste group of 8 picked up rubbish along the Rail Trail today. Lots of rubbish
was picked up and Jenny and the group were very impressed by some extremely large bones.
We had coffee at Betty’s Laneways Coffee shop in Wilsons Rd afterwards.
Many thanks to Warren, Julian, Keith, Bill Bailey, Jenny and Sue and James.
Rotary Geelong East - Cleaning up the Environment
September Walk against Waste  2023-09-16 14:00:00Z 0

World Peace Day 21st September

World Peace Day occurs on the 21st of September every year. The idea behind the day, is to hold a day when there is no violence at all - domestic or war.
How can we achieve this? We can do our part by ensuring that 'our' world, is peaceful. No arguments, no physical or psychological violence and doing things in a way that create an environment of peacefulness and tranquility.
Do your bit and make the world just that little more peaceful.
Rotary Geelong East - Working toward a Peaceful World
World Peace Day 21st September 2023-09-16 14:00:00Z 0
You Can't Ask That!! 2023-09-01 14:00:00Z 0

Rotary in Bali

Two members of Rotary Geelong East were in Bali for much earned break. However, in addition to carrying out a Walk Against Waste(see story below), they made time to visit two Rotary clubs in Bali and get to know some of the people.
This is one of the great advantages of Rotary. Anywhere a Rotarian travels, if there is Rotary club in the town or city, they are warmly welcomed.
The piece below was written by one of the Bali visiting Rotarians, Jenny Acopian.
Rotarians Alison Marshall and Jenny Acopian were on holiday in Bali recently and soon became aware of the work of
Rotary District 3420 as we strolled along the beach front at Kuta.

The tap and basin shown was provided by local Bali Rotarians during the COVID epidemic. It encouraged people to wash their hands thoroughly as a means of preventing contagion.

We then decided to visit two local lunch-time Rotary Clubs. The first was the Rotary Club of Bali
Seminyak (chartered 2002) the second was the Rotary Club of Bali Nusa Dua (chartered 1992). We
thoroughly enjoyed the experience and had great fun comparing the clubs to Geelong East, and to
each other.

Both Bali clubs have adopted English as their official language, and each state that their members are mainly expatriates, representing 12 nationalities. This is reflected in the names of the current presidents: Marie Francoise de Saint Priest d’Urgel, a French woman, is President of Bali Seminyak, and Matthias Frenzel, a German gentleman and restaurant owner, is President of Nusa Dua. During our visits we met no indigenous Balinese Rotarian. Indeed, our host at Seminyak (the US Consul Agent in Bali) indicated he would like to attract local members but there has been no progress so far.
He was of the view that the cost of meeting and dining at a five-star hotel was an inhibiting factor.
Nusa Dua also meet twice monthly for a two or three course lunch at a luxurious five-star hotel.

While similar in many ways, there were two stark differences. We were advised that Nusa Dua Rotary, the larger club, has two female members while Seminyak was made up of around 50 per cent women.

The second major difference was the degree of formality of their meetings. Proceedings at Seminyak commenced
with an extended grace cum prayer, followed by the Four Way Test recited by all present. Alison and I were formally presented with a small club banner by President Marie.
At Nusa Dua we heard of one of their signature projects the Cleft Lip and Palate project. Since 1994, Nusa Dua Rotary has provided over 2,100 operations to children from Bali and its surrounding islands. This year, they plan to provide 210 operations in collaboration with the Rotary Club of Pittsburgh-Collier.
Each meeting hosted an outstanding guest speaker from whom we gained fascinating insights into Bali life and culture.

Rotary in Bali 2023-08-28 14:00:00Z 0

Walk Against Waste Goes to Bali!!!

Two members of Rotary Geelong East were in Bali on a well-deserved holiday. The timing meant that they were going to miss the Walk Against Waste the club was conducting along the Geelong Rail Trail.
Knowing the litter situation in Bali, they decided to do their own Walk Against Waste there.  In less than an hour, they had picked up a significant amount of waste. Their work did not go unnoticed by locals who gave them the thumbs up. Hopefully it may inspire locals to do the same thing.

Rotary Geelong East - Cleaning Up the World - One Beach at a Time
Walk Against Waste Goes to Bali!!!  2023-08-17 14:00:00Z 0

Polio Australia Support

Hello Gary and Rotary Club of Geelong East, 
On behalf of Polio Australia, I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you for your donation to our End of Financial Year appeal. Donations like yours make a significant impact on our organisation and our mission. We feel it is important to standardise quality polio information and service provision across Australia for our polio survivors. Our vision is that all polio survivors in Australia have access to appropriate health care and support necessary to maintain independence and make informed lifestyle choices.
This past financial year has definitely been a busy one for our team. Polio Australia successfully hosted 22 community information sessions and 20 Zoom sessionsfor polio survivors. These sessions covered various topics such as living with polio, fatigue management, mental wellbeing, and how to navigate NDIS and Aged Care packages. Our clinical educator also delivered 43 educational workshops at various hospitals and clinics around Australia. These sessions, presented to health professionals, focused on how to safely manage the specific needs of polio survivors and their post-polio conditions. To date, we have 309 health professionals across Australia that have signed on to our Health Professional Register.
Rotary Geelong East - Supporting Polio Australia
Polio Australia Support 2023-08-03 14:00:00Z 0

National Tree Planting Day Success

Just over 600 trees were planted on a property at Murgheboluc on Sunday 30th July, as part of National Tree Day.
Involved were: Four members of Rotary Geelong East, One from Rotary Geelong West, families and friends as well as the property owners. The idea of the owners is to plant trees in designated areas of their small property with a view to encouraging birdlife. In addition to the area planted yesterday, the owners have already planted hundreds of trees on several hills on the land.
All trees were planted in 2½ hours. It doesn't take long - but it sure makes a difference!  All trees planted were a variety of four natives.
This was followed by a BBQ and people getting to know one another. A great activity and a great morning.
National Tree Planting Day Success  2023-07-30 14:00:00Z 0

Geelong-wide Rotary Recycling Pilot

A Rotary-driven project to recycle medical blister packs was launched across ten pharmacies in the Geelong region on 14 July.
The project is the brainchild of Highton Rotarian, pharmacist and passionate environmentalist, Barb Sheahan. In the early stages of the plan, Barb sought the help of Geelong East Rotary who jumped at the chance of seeing the project brought to fruition. We submitted a grant to the City of Greater Geelong and received $10,000 that will fund the initiative.
The project is a partnership with Australian recycling company, Pharmacycle, and local pharmacies from Ocean Grove, to Portarlington to Lara and in between (listed below). Each pharmacy has been provided with six collection bins to provide easy access for the public to deposit their used medical blister packs.
The packs no longer need to go to landfill, and instead can be turned into useful products. Recovered aluminium is remanufactured into thermal blocks that store renewable energy; and recovered plastic material is used to make a range of building and construction products.
Data collected from the Geelong project will be carefully analyzed and it is hoped the initiative will be introduced across Australia. Interest has already been shown by Rotary clubs in our District 9780. Who knows where it may lead?
A new series of War on Waste due to be shown on ABC TV from 25 July will feature our partner organisation, Pharmacycle, and its role in recycling medical blister packs.
Participating Greater Geelong pharmacies
  • Peak Pharmacy Corio Village, Corio Village Shopping Centre, Corio
  • Mitchell and O’Hara Amcal Pharmacy, 154-156 Shannon Ave, Geelong West.
  • Geelong Soul Pattinson Pharmacy, 133 Yarra St, Geelong
  • Priceline Pharmacy East Geelong, 1 Ormond Rd, East Geelong
  • Bellarine Village Community Care Chemist, Shop 5,25-29 Bellarine Hwy, Bellarine Village Shopping Centre, Newcomb
  • Portarlington Pharmacy, 90 Newcombe St, Portarlington
  • Ocean Grove Terrace Pharmacy, 76A The Terrace, Ocean Grove
  • Pardeys Eastbrooke Pharmacy, 75-77 Roslyn Rd, Belmont
  • Kardinia Pharmacy, 2-18 Colac Rd, Belmont
  • Direct Chemist Outlet Highton, Hills Plaza, 46 Province Boulevard, Highton.
Representatives of City of Greater Geelong, Phamacycle & Rotary
   Rotary Geelong East - Working with others to Change the World
Geelong-wide Rotary Recycling Pilot 2023-07-15 14:00:00Z 0

Lid sorting at Queenscliff


On Friday 14 July 2023, Rotarians Jane Bolton, Alison Marshall and Jenny Acopian, headed to Queenscliff to learn more about the Greater Geelong Lids4Kids program. Our hosts were staff of the Sea All Dolphin Swims Office at Queenscliff Harbour who operate a plastic recycling program.
The Geelong East Rotarians, together with members of the Probus Club of Belmont, were shown how plastic lids were recycled to become useful, attractive objects, such as combs, surfboard wax combs, spinning tops, coasters, key rings, etc. as pictured below.
Much of the morning was spent sorting the thousands of lids that had been collected from drop-off centres across Geelong. We learnt that not all lids are equal, but all can be recycled and need not end up in landfill. While selected lid colours and types can be made into colourful attractive items, others can turned into soft bases for playgrounds, garden seats, road base, etc.
Greater Geelong Lids4Kids hopes to make the program self-sustaining through sales of special-order lids. So please keep collecting those lids. Jenny, Alison and Jane are happy to receive them.
Rotary - Working to reduce plastics
Lid sorting at Queenscliff  2023-07-15 14:00:00Z 0

Another Successful Walk Against Waste

On Tuesday, four members of the club spent one and a half hours cleaning up waste on one section of the Geelong Rail Trail. In that time we removed broken glass, plastic in different forms (bottles, wrappers, hard plastic etc.), one car wheel and tyre, one bike tire, cartons, glass bottles,
and styrene.
This is a regular activity by club members and this week was one of the largest collections of rubbish we have had.
The question is, 'How do we get people to take responsibility for their waste?'
Another Successful Walk Against Waste 2023-07-03 14:00:00Z 0

A New Rotary Year Begins

To Rotarians all around the world, we wish you a happy and wonderful year of service to our communities.
This is the commencement of a new Rotary Year and is led by our new Rotary International President, Gordon McInally and newly appointed District Governors and club Presidents. We wish you all the very best in this new Rotary Year.
A New Rotary Year Begins 2023-07-01 14:00:00Z 0

Sparrovale – Developing Wetland

Recently, as part of a series of activities undertaken by five Geelong based Rotary clubs, members of the public were invited to join with Rotarians for a preview of Sparrovale, a newly developing Wetland.
The Wetland is a City of Geelong project and is 500 hectares of land that will capture stormwater runoff from the Armstrong Creek development. Progressively the Council will create Public spaces, remove pest plants and wildlife and replace it with native flora and fauna.
Sparrovale will eventually be connected to the Barwon River Trail and will be promoted to the public and visitors to Geelong.
At present, it is not open to the public to visit.  The Rotary activity was a special event and allowed both Rotarians and non-Rotarians a once off visit.
The project is a long-term activity, expected to be completed around 2040.
The Rotary Club of Geelong East - Joining with others to promote our natural heritage
Sparrovale – Developing Wetland  2023-06-23 14:00:00Z 0

Special Dog at Newcomb Primary School

Thanks to an initiative by Geelong East Rotary, from Term 3, 2023 students at Newcomb Primary School will enjoy the company of Story Dog ‛Koby’ and his owner.
Story Dogs is a reading support program where selected children read to an accredited dog and its handler. The mission of Story Dogs is to make reading fun for children so they become lifelong readers. Reading takes place in a quiet area of the school where each child is one-on-one with the Dog Team.
When children read to a dog, the results have been proven to bring amazing results:
  • The children have fun
  • They are not judged
  • Their focus improves
  • Their reading skills increase
  • Their confidence soars
Dog Teams must pass accreditation by a certified dog trainer as well as being immaculately groomed, vaccinated and vet checked. The dog’s temperament, obedience and willingness are of utmost importance. The children’s safety is paramount.
We look forward to learning more about the program and meeting ‛Koby’ and his owner.
For more information, see
Special Dog at Newcomb Primary School 2023-06-16 14:00:00Z 0

Time you joined?

Following the Rotary International Convention in Melbourne recently, more Australian's are aware of the power and value of the organisation.  Delegates from all over the world attended, made new friends, discussed everything from Peace to Health, from Environment to Literacy and a whole host of other projects and needs to be met in all corners of the globe.
The morning sessions had Key Note Speakers who inspired, motivated and helped people to see outside their own area of focus. Afternoon sessions were Breakout sessions on various topics. People attended those sessions they had an interest in or wanted to know more about.
All in all, Melbourne put on a great show for so many international as well as Australian visitors. Many people made it a holiday, adding to Victoria's economy and that of Australia.
Time you joined? 2023-06-10 14:00:00Z 0
From Hope to Action 2023-05-07 14:00:00Z 0
Our Health Matters - Let's Check it out! 2023-05-07 14:00:00Z 0

Rotary Celebrates International Women's Day

Rotary values the contribution that female members make and the difference that they bring to Rotary. Members also focus on the needs of women in developing nations (and here in Australia) who have particular needs. Educating young females is an important focus of clubs.
This year, 2022 / 2023 we celebrate the first woman President of Rotary International, Jennifer Jones of Canada.
Rotary valuing the contribution and leadership of women in the organisation, in business and in communities
Rotary Celebrates International Women's Day 2023-03-04 13:00:00Z 0

Rotary's March Theme

We know how important safe drinking water is to all life. Many don't have access to safe water and Rotary provides support in the form of drilling wells, providing water filters and in short term situations, safe drinking straws that filter the water that is available.
Covid has taught many of us of the importance of sanitation and hygiene. Again, there are many in this world who do not have access and in some cases the education to understand the importance of these things. Rotary provides education and supporting infrastructure to help communities with sanitation and hygiene.
Rotary - Making the World a Safer Place
Rotary's March Theme 2023-02-28 13:00:00Z 0

Rotary Turns 118 - Still going strong!!

This amazing organisation has been active since 1905. A very few of the many projects Rotary is and has been involved in include:
  • Eradication of Polio (only 2 endemic countries remaining)
  • Training Peace Scholars
  • Supplying shelter, food and essential items to victims of natural disasters
  • Providing clean drinking water (via wells) to millions
  • Assisting withe the formation of the United Nations, including the Declaration of Human Rights
There are 1.4 million Rotarians, 36,697 Rotary clubs around the world together with Rotaract and Interact clubs.The organisation's vision is:
Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves."
Rotary - Making a Difference in the World and a World of Difference!
Rotary Turns 118 - Still going strong!! 2023-02-20 13:00:00Z 0

Rotary & Lions Working Together

The Rotary Club of Geelong East and the Lions Club of Geelong, worked together at the recent Truck & Vintage Machinery Show  to raise funds.
The clubs provided food for the hungry hordes. Operating out of the Lions Club stand, members to cook hamburgers, egg and bacon rolls, chips and serve soft drinks etc.
Members of both clubs indicated that they enjoyed working together.  Each club will share the takings and put the funds to their various community projects.
Rotary & Lions - Working Together for the Community
Rotary & Lions Working Together 2023-02-03 13:00:00Z 0

Graduates - Rotary Junior Community Service Award

The Rotary Club of Geelong East has conducted the Rotary Junior Community Service Award at a number of Primary Schools for about five years. The East Geelong Primary School has been the most consistent and has promoted it to eligible students.
Mr. Bloink, Grade Six teacher has strongly encouraged students to take up the program. He has great plans for next year already in play.
The students have to demonstrate that they have carried out the following tasks to be able to receive the award.
  • Community Service
  • Skill Development
  • Physical Recreation
  • Social Experience
Past President of The Rotary Club of Geelong East, Jenny Acopian, has been the driver of the program from the club's point of view.  Below, Jenny is pictured with the 2022 Graduates of the program.
Rotary - Creating Future Community Leaders
Graduates - Rotary Junior Community Service Award 2022-12-16 13:00:00Z 0

Consider Joining Rotary

Rotary is the largest Service organisation in the world. Not only do you join a local club working in the local community, but you join a
World-Wide group of like minded people. There are opportunities to use your skills and knowledge to help other communities to grow stronger and more peaceful and thus, make a real impact in Peacebuilding.
Rotary Club of Geelong East is welcoming New Members Now - enquire today - 0414 324 814
Consider Joining Rotary 2022-11-24 13:00:00Z 0
Lest We Forget 2022-11-08 13:00:00Z 0
Inaugural Environmental Art Show 2022-10-21 13:00:00Z 0
Further Funding to End Polio 2022-09-26 14:00:00Z 0

Building a Bird & Animal Corridor

Nine members of The Rotary Club of Geelong East and friends worked for two hours and planted 447 trees. The trees will eventually join up with a Bird and Animal Corridor to provide safe haven for breeding, nesting, food and other needs.
This undertaking from a Rotary perspective is part of the club's Environment & Sustainability Interest Group. Over the last twenty years, members have planted close to 10,000 trees.
The group included family members, two women from Bunnings and one from Landcare and the property owner. Below are a couple of photos of the group.
Rotarians - environmentalists
Building a Bird & Animal Corridor 2022-09-21 14:00:00Z 0

World Peace Day 21st September

Rotary joins with its Partner organisation, the United Nations and all who value peace throughout the world, to celebrate World Peace Day on 21 September.
Rotary is a leading organisation in the promotion of peace through education and practical solutions. Over 1,500 Rotary Peace Scholars have been trained and now work with governments, non-profits and other organisations with a view to making our world a more peaceful place. There has possibly never been a more important time to focus on peace than now.
Think about how you can make the world a more peaceful place.
For International Day of Peace 2022, the theme is 'End Racism. Build Peace'. The United Nations state that this is a date dedicated to strengthening the ideals of peace through a non-violent period of a 24-hour cease-fire. The United Nations also wants to address hate speech and violence directed at racial minorities.
Rotary working toward a Peaceful World
World Peace Day 21st September 2022-09-18 14:00:00Z 0

Lids for Kids

The reduction of plastic waste and the recycling of lids to make useful products, such as prosthetics, is a project of our Rotary Club.
A major source of lids is a large donation bin at GENU’s Eastern Hub that keeps on giving as the attached photos show. The range of colours, sizes and shapes is extraordinary and sorting into categories is an essential part of the process.
The other key source of lids is from Rotarians themselves and their families.
In addition, members of the Rotary Club of Geelong East collect batteries, medicine blister packs, pens and bread tags. Members are educated about the soft plastics taken by Coles and Woolworths, and a range of items taken by Office Works.
Lids for Kids Jenny Acopian 2022-08-19 14:00:00Z 0

Change Over Dinner

Tuesday 5th July, 2022 saw the changeover from one club President to another. President Graham Thomson completed his twelve months at the helm of the Rotary Club of Geelong East. Following a series of recognitions and awards, Graham handed over the responsibility for leading the club for the next year to Gary Newton.
Graham was recognised for his service to the Club. Paul Harris Fellow recognitions were presented to John Birrell and Adrian Innes for their extensive service over 20 and 30 years respectively. Graham Thomson was also recognised for both his service and in particular taking on the Presidency for a second time.
Ros Thornton was inducted as an Honorary Member.
Sam Hayward, Club Secretary, was awarded the prestigious Bill Pratt Award. This is presented to a member who has been in the club for less than five years and made a significant contribution to Rotary.
Greg Champion of the Coodabeen Champions entertained the members much to the delight of people.
The photo below depicts two happy Presidents - one completing his year, the other contemplating his. Graham Thomson (right) and Gary Newton (left). Photo courtesy of Pauline Stewart.
Rotary - Imagine
Change Over Dinner 2022-07-05 14:00:00Z 0
Imagine 2022-06-23 14:00:00Z 0

We Need You!!!

Rotary is about helping others and improving our world. No matter what area your interest lies within, it is bound to be an area that Rotary is already working in. We serve local communities, international communities, people, the environment and peace. Think about it - then come and join us.
Use the contact button on this page and learn more about Rotary.
Rotary - Serving the World
We Need You!!! 2022-04-05 14:00:00Z 0
Calling You!!! 2022-02-26 13:00:00Z 0

Rotary International - Statement on Situation in Ukraine

It is a tragic and sad time for the people of Ukraine and the world.
At #Rotary, we are deeply concerned by the deteriorating situation in Ukraine and the escalating loss of life and humanitarian hardship there. Continued military action against #Ukraine will not only devastate the region, but also risk spreading tragic consequences across Europe and the world.
As one of the world’s largest humanitarian organizations, we have made peace the cornerstone of our global mission. We join the international community in calling for an immediate cease fire, withdrawal of Russian forces, and a restoration of diplomatic efforts to resolve this conflict through dialogue.
In the past decade, Rotary clubs in Ukraine, #Russia and nearby countries have transcended national differences and have actively engaged in peace-building projects to promote goodwill and to marshal assistance for the victims of war and violence.
Today, our thoughts are with our fellow Rotary members and others in Ukraine coping with these tragic events. Rotary International will do everything in its power to bring aid, support and peace to the region.
Rotary International - Statement on Situation in Ukraine 2022-02-25 13:00:00Z 0
Rotary's 117th Birthday 2022-02-22 13:00:00Z 0
Importance of the Barwon River Safety Markers 2021-10-15 13:00:00Z 0


Barwon Child, Youth & Family (BCYF), a major community service provider in the Barwon region, has teamed up with 12 Geelong-based Coles’ supermarkets and Geelong Rotary clubs, to provide essential supplies for some of the
community’s most vulnerable members.
Throughout July and August, Coles stores across the region are facilitating customer donations of food, toiletries and
other non-perishable items. The donations are being collected, sorted and packed by a team of around thirty Rotarians
and friends, and distributed to BCYF’s clients in need.
Food insecurity is a growing issue in the Geelong region, compounded by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Demand for essential supplies has increased significantly over the past year across the wider Geelong region,
as it has across the country. The donated supplies are provided to some of our most vulnerable community members,
some of whom may not have access to any other food at any particular point in time. Every donation is greatly
appreciated – every item helps to relieve basic physical needs.
In the first eight weeks of the partnership, Rotarians have compiled over 500 food packages, cooking equipment,
pantry items, dozens of boxes of hygiene articles and around sixty parcels of baby items. These have been
distributed to clients of BCYF through its Youth Services, Family and Community Services, and Culturally
and Linguistically Diverse departments.
Rotary Club of Geelong East – Working in Partnerships

Lucy Recognised for Service

Human dynamo, Lucy Koszela was recognised by the club as a Paul Harris Fellow.

The recognition was given to Lucy, a non-member of Rotary for her decades of work with the Lithuanian community in Geelong,
volunteer work with the Fight Cancer Foundation Recycle Shop and numerous individuals in need throughout Geelong.

The recognition was made at the club’s Changeover Dinner.
Her service includes:
Geelong Lithuanian Sports Club VYTIS
  • Lucy played basketball with the Lithuanian Basketball teams in the
    1970’s and 80’s and was responsible for helping to get the club established
    and continuing to this day
  • Joined the Basketball Committee in the early 1980’s
  • Actively involved in organising a sports carnival in which
    Lithuanian sports clubs from around Australia took place (Geelong was the host city)
  • Served as Club President
  • Served as Club Secretary
  • Active in other roles over many years
Australian Lithuanian Sports Federation
  • Lucy was recognised in the national organisation for her work representing Lithuanian sports in Australia
    and was made a Life Member
Geelong Lithuanian Community
The Community organisation covers a range of functions and oversees a number of different groups within the Community. 
These include:
  • Care of elderly citizens
  • Scout troop
  • Lithuanian Dance Group
  • Social activities
Lucy has been involved in all these areas since their formation.
Lucy Recognised for Service  2021-07-16 14:00:00Z 0

Rotary – Improving the Environment

Rotary clubs around the world have been working to improve the environment and sustainability for many years.  Each club works on projects that meet the needs of their communities. Many worked on their projects through the Rotary initiated ‘Preserve Planet Earth’.
The Rotary Club of Geelong East has also been environmentally active. In this club’s case, it has focused on tree planting for different reasons.
The largest project undertaken by the club was in the planting of trees to create a wildlife corridor that ran between the You Yangs and Brisbane Ranges. The idea was to create a sanctuary for birds and animals that allowed them to move with security through from Ballarat to Geelong.
A number of cold winters saw Rotarians (and one year Belmont Cubs and Scouts) planting trees at Limeburners Point. In this case the idea was to prevent erosion of soil. Most of the Limeburners planting was of grasses.
A number of plantings have been done at three different sites along Hovell’s Creek and the last three years, the club has focused on Eumeralla Scout Camp. At the camp, trees are being planted increasing the bushland and preventing erosion of soil.
Rotarian Peter Funston who has managed these projects estimates that over 5,000 trees and many grasses have been planted over the years by the club.
The Rotary Club of Geelong East - Preserving the Environment
Rotary – Improving the Environment  2021-06-28 14:00:00Z 0

Rotary - Serving Youth

Rotary clubs around the world support youth in various ways.  Perhaps the best known publicly, is Rotary Youth Exchange. Students go overseas and have twelve months experiencing another culture and educational system.  Many make life long friendships, thus helping to build understanding between communities in different parts of the world.
Other Rotary programs for youth include Rotary Youth Leadership Awards, Rotary Junior Community Awards, Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment as well as specific local club activities aimed at youth.
The Rotary Club of Geelong East has provided bursaries to students at Geelong High School and Newcomb Secondary College, iPads, books and shelving to Whittington Primary School, books for a new library for Newcomb Park Primary School, Trainee of the Year Awards and scholarships for apprentices at the Gordon TAFE, sponsorship for youth with disabilites through Blue Bird Foundation to learn to play music, write stories and create artworks.
The club has also sponsored a Rotaract Club and Interact Club.
Rotary - Providing Opportunities for Youth to Grow and Develop
Rotary - Serving Youth 2021-05-01 14:00:00Z 0

Reasons to Join Rotary

Today, people are looking for fulfilment each to their own needs. It can be cultivating friendships, doing something different to their daily routine, sharing their skills and knowledge with others or simply volunteering as a way to forget about their troubles for awhile.
However, people seek to enhance their  lives, it is a safe bet, that Rotary can provide most of what they seek.  The video below illustrates that.  Take time and take a look.
Rotary - Our Volunteers Gain as well as Give!
Reasons to Join Rotary 2021-04-02 13:00:00Z 0

Good Samaritans – A Helping Hand

"Samaritan House Geelong is a not-for-profit organisation which relies heavily on the kindness and generosity of the Geelong community - individuals, companies and charitable organisations - both in financial ways and through volunteering.
Established in November 2017, Samaritan House Geelong exists to help men experiencing homelessness in the Greater Geelong Region by providing welcoming accommodation, an evening meal and ongoing support.
Since April, The Rotary Club of Geelong East Community Committee has been actively involved in maintaining the gardens and the general upkeep of the property. Volunteers from the Club have been donating their time, their gardening prowess as well as trees and compost bins. Their aim is to create a vegetable garden so that residents can benefit from the fresh produce. 
Another example of Rotary Club of Geelong East supporting our Community
Good Samaritans – A Helping Hand  2020-07-25 14:00:00Z 0

Junior Footys Great Supporter

Over the past few years, the Newcomb Power Football Club has introduced award winning junior programs which work with local schools. Record levels of participation and a growing number of teams has meant Building better facilities for players, coaches, volunteers and fans with a view to encouraging more locals.
The primary foci of the programs are to engage young people who would not have the opportunity (usually financially) to take part in football and to get children into healthy activities.  Both boys and girls take part in the programs. The programs have been so successful, that the club is now considering using the model on their Netball program.
This will give the club the space they need to grow, store equipment and provide greater
flexibility to train and win avid junior FC players, Newcomb Power Netball Club
and Newcomb Cricket Club.
The Community Service Committee of The Geelong East saw the need and worked with Newcomb to provide financial support. The Rotary club has been a major sponsor providing the club with a $6000 district grant. Newcomb FC has also played an integral part in supporting our main events like the Geelong Show BBQ, Bunnings Sausage Sizzles and for this received a further $1500 and $200.    
The Rotary Club of Geelong East – Sporting Partners
Junior Footys Great Supporter  2020-02-03 13:00:00Z 0